Today we shall be looking slightly off the topic. The second wave has been a devastating one. There has been an increasing number of usage of O2 concentrators among the patients and the people who are recovering from Covid-19.
Before we look into how to maximize efficiency, let's briefly understand how a concentrator works. O2 concentrators suck atmospheric air which has 21% of oxygen and 78% of nitrogen, filters it, pass it through several molecular sleeves, and pumps oxygen-rich concentrated air to the patient. The main working component of the concentrator is the compressor. It is vital to reduce your compressor work as much as possible by keeping the room cool and well ventilated. An overheated compressor will lead to poor oxygen concentration. The below steps are the following which I have enforced and maximized the efficiency and output of the concentrator which eventually helps people recover sooner. One should set up a forced ventilation system to have enough fresh air moving in and out of the room. To do this, you need the following
1) Air cooler or Pedestal fan
2) Exhaust fan (optional)
In a forced ventilation system, restrain using Air conditioners and ceiling fan. It is very important to keep the doors and windows open in the room where the person is resting. Now with all preparations done. Let's see below how to set it up.

The air cooler sucks fresh air from the living room and pushes it into the room. The pressurized air helps to remove the hot and stale air inside the room. This forced ventilation system helps the O2 concentrator work more efficiently and for longer hours without shutting off the system.
Stay Safe!